Moonglow Bay

Moonglow Bay is a cozy, open-world, fishing game originally developed by Bunnyhug and released in 2021 for PC and Xbox. In 2022, I assisted with the game's port to Nintendo Switch, which at the time of writing is due for release in 2023.

When I came on the project, the game was suffering from severe performance bottlenecks and memory limitations. I worked with my team at Sleeping Giant, as well as co-developers Laundry Bear Games, to form strategies that could retain the game's look and feel, while still performing reliably on all target devices.


  • Designed systems to conserve memory while still providing a seamless play experience

  • Developed strategies to optimize rendering performance


  • Developed a deeper understanding of the many technical pain points surrounding open-world development and strategies to combat these pain points

  • Developed a deeper understanding of Nintendo Switch hardware, and the general console development pipeline