
Impeached is a game where you play as the president of a fictional country, signing increasingly ridiculous executive orders and then having to answer questions in the follow up press conferences.

The game was originally developed in a 48 hour game jam, with a web only release. After going viral with many prominent influencers on YouTube covering the game, we made a more refined mobile version which was released on iOS and Android.

YouTube Coverage

Impeached was covered by many prominent YouTube influencers, including Jacksepticeye, GrayStillPlays, and CaptianSauce. Views for Impeached! related content total over 15 million.


  • Designed and developed core loop

  • Created tools and systems for writers to easily implement new content for the game


  • Learned aspects of design that cater to social media influences

  • Learned techniques for designing games where humour is one of the core experiential goals